birthing beyond the binary october 2024 cohort
12-weeks of creating decolonized, intersectional, & liberatory reproductive spaces for Queer, Trans, and Non-Binary folx.
October 1 - December 15, 2024
12 pm-2:15pm PT | 3pm - 5:15pm ET
90 hours training, 40 CEs from CNMA

Access & Action: Community based strategies for connection, organizing, and change
king will be the keynote speaker for the Access & Action Conference hosted ny Cornerstone.
the focus of this conference is to bring folks together from all over the world to coalition build, share, connect, and co-create movements for birth justice and collective liberation. we are grounded in the frameworks of Reproductive Justice, Disability Justice, Birth Justice, and radical, heart-centered birthwork and care work.
for more info visit: https://www.cornerstonedoulatrainings.com/early-bird

Cornerstone CBE: Decolonizing and queering CBE spaces and facilitation w/ Eri
learn the art and skill of trauma informed collaborative facilitation in this radical reimagining of childbirth education training.
for more info visit: https://cornerstonedoulatrainings.teachable.com/p/childbirth-educator-teacher-training211

Whole Body Pregnancy CBE Training: Affirming Care for Trans and Non-Binary People
Childbirth Education Training hosted by Whole Body Pregnancy.
Whole Body Pregnancy aims to bridge the gap between thinking of pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum as separate experiences, and instead views the entire pregnancy spectrum, including fertility, miscarriage, abortion, and pregnancy loss, as on. Whole Body Pregnancy is about examining who we are as birth workers to help better inform who we are for the families we work with.
for more info visit: https://www.wholebodypregnancy.com/whole-body-pregnancy-childbirth-education-training

Pleasure Herbalism
Pleasure Herbalism hosted by Hood Herbalism.
Pleasure Herbalism is calling in people who are already on a journey with pleasure. Folks who have a support system in place to hold space for them during this journey. folks that have started exploring how their pleasure is or has been impacted by trauma and abuse. folks actively doing deep self-reflection. this class is a contribution to that work.
for more information visit: https://hoodherbalism.com/pleasure-herbalism/

Queer + Trans Sex + Pleasure
in this 2.5hr introductory workshop, attendees will start to explore sexual and pleasure practices that honour your sex lives uniquely for you, your bodies, partners and relationships, in all its queer glory.
for more information and to buy tickets, visit my store at https://www.kingyaa.co.za/store.